Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual

Page 1003

background image


Enhanced Boundaries

Full Range Color Scale

High Range Highlights

Low Range Highlights

Maximum Intensity Projection

Red-Blue Color Scale

Thin Isolines


White-Black Color Scale

To the top

3. Use the position or camera tools in the options bar to rotate, move, or scale the 3D volume. See 3D object and camera tools (Photoshop


If OpenGL support is enabled on your system, you can also use the 3D Axis to rotate, move, or scale the 3D volume. See 3D Axis
(Photoshop Extended).

View a 3D volume in different render modes

1. Select the 3D layer containing the DICOM volume in the Layers panel.

2. Choose Window > 3D to open the 3D panel.

3. From the Preset menu in the lower section of the 3D panel, select a render mode.

Render modes that use a transfer function use a Photoshop gradient to render values in the volume. The gradient color and opacity

values are combined with the grayscale values in the volume to optimize or highlight different types of content. Transfer function render
modes are only available for grayscale DICOM images.

Lowers the opacity of homogeneous regions while retaining the opacity of the boundaries. It can also reduce noise

in the volume.

Transfer function that uses a full “rainbow” Photoshop color gradient.

Transfer function that uses the color white for the entire value range, zero opacity for low range values, and high

opacity for high range values.

Transfer function that uses the color white for the entire value range, zero opacity for high range values, and high

opacity for low range values.

Displays maximum values in the volume to provides a quick preview of volume structure. Does not provide

any depth cues.

Transfer function that uses a full red-blue color gradient.

Transfer function that uses constant color, while opacity component is a function with multiple spikes, to display isovalues.

Approximates X-ray radiation transport through an X-ray translucent medium. This effect is useful for generating an image from a CT

scan that looks like an X-ray shot of the same object.

Transfer function using a white-black color component.

4. (Optional) To create a custom render mode, click Render Settings in the 3D panel to open the 3D Render Settings dialog box. Select options

in the Volume Styles section of the dialog. See Customize render settings.

Export DICOM frames as JPEG files (Photoshop Extended)

1. Open a DICOM file and set options in the DICOM File Import dialog box (see

Open a DICOM file (Photoshop Extended)


2. Select frames in the DICOM File Import dialog box: Shift-click to select contiguous frames, Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS)


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