Change the color of individual letters, Underline or strike through text, Apply all caps or small caps – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
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on that layer.
Change the color of individual letters
1. Select the Horizontal Type tool
2. In the Layers panel, select the layer containing the type.
3. In the document window, select the characters you want to change.
4. In the options bar at the top of the work area, click the color swatch.
5. In the Adobe Color Picker, locate the color range you want using the triangle sliders on the color spectrum bar, and then click the desired
color in the color field. The color you select appears in the top half of the color swatch in the Adobe Color Picker. The original color remains
in the bottom half.
6. Click OK. The new color replaces the original color in the options bar and in the selected characters.
You won’t see the new color in the characters until you deselect them or select something else.
Underline or strike through text
You can place a line under horizontal type, or to the left or right of vertical type. You can also place a line through horizontal or vertical type. The
line is always the same color as the type color.
Select the type you want to underline or strike through.
To underline horizontal type, click the Underline button in the Character panel.
To apply an underline to the left or right of vertical type, choose Underline Left or Underline Right from the Character panel menu.
You can apply an underline to the left or right, but not to both sides. A check mark indicates that an option is selected.
The Underline Left and Underline Right options appear in the Character panel menu only when a type layer containing vertical type
is selected. When working with vertical Asian type, you can add an underline on either side of the type line.
To apply a horizontal line through horizontal type or a vertical line through vertical type, click the Strikethrough button in the Character
panel. You can also choose Strikethrough from the Character panel menu.
Apply all caps or small caps
You can enter or format type as uppercase characters, either all caps or small caps. When you format text as small caps, Photoshop automatically
uses the small-cap characters designed as part of the font, if available. If the font does not include small caps, Photoshop generates faux small