Create a custom filter – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
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1. Choose Filter > Stylize > Trace Contour.
2. Choose an Edge option to outline areas in the selection: Lower outlines areas where the color values of pixels fall below the specified level,
and Upper outlines areas where the color values fall above.
3. Enter a threshold (Level) for evaluating color values (tonal level), from 0 to 255. Experiment to see what values bring out the best detail in
the image.
Use the Info panel in Grayscale mode to identify a color value that you want traced. Then enter the value in the Level text box.
Create a Custom filter
1. Choose Filter > Other > Custom. The Custom dialog box displays a grid of text boxes into which you can enter numeric values.
2. Select the center text box, which represents the pixel being evaluated. Enter the value by which you want to multiply that pixel’s brightness
value, from –999 to +999.
3. Select a text box representing an adjacent pixel. Enter the value by which you want the pixel in this position multiplied.
For example, to multiply the brightness value of the pixel to the immediate right of the current pixel by 2, enter 2 in the text box to the
immediate right of the center text box.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all pixels to be included in the operation. You don’t have to enter values in all the text boxes.
5. For Scale, enter the value by which to divide the sum of the brightness values of the pixels included in the calculation.
6. For Offset, enter the value to be added to the result of the scale calculation.
7. Click OK. The custom filter is applied to each pixel in the image, one at a time.
Use the Save and Load buttons to save and reuse custom filters.
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