Take photos for hdr images, Features that support 32 - bpc hdr images – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
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Blend Modes
Create new 32-bpc documents
Edit menu commands
File Formats
Image commands
Take photos for HDR images
Keep the following tips in mind when you take photos to be combined with the Merge To HDR Pro command:
Secure the camera to a tripod.
Take enough photos to cover the full dynamic range of the scene. You can try taking at least five to seven photos, but you might need to
take more exposures depending on the dynamic range of the scene. The minimum number of photos should be three.
Vary the shutter speed to create different exposures. Changing the aperture changes the depth of field in each exposure and can produce
lower-quality results. Changing the ISO or aperture may also cause noise or vignetting in the image.
In general, don’t use your camera’s auto-bracket feature, because the exposure changes are usually too small.
The exposure differences between the photos should be one or two EV (exposure value) steps apart (equivalent to about one or two f-stops
Don’t vary the lighting; for instance, don’t use a flash in one exposure but not the next.
Make sure that nothing is moving in the scene. Exposure Merge works only with differently exposed images of the identical scene.
Features that support 32-bpc HDR images
You can use the following tools, adjustments, and filters with 32-bpc HDR images. (To work with more Photoshop features, convert a 32-bpc
image to a 16-bpc or an 8-bpc image. To preserve the original image, create a copy with the Save As command.)
Levels, Exposure, Hue/Saturation, Channel Mixer, Photo Filter.
Although the Exposure command can be used with 8- and 16-bpc images, it is designed for making exposure adjustments to 32-bpc HDR
Normal, Dissolve, Darken, Multiply, Lighten, Darker Color, Linear Dodge (Add), Lighter Color, Difference, Subtract, Divide, Hue,
Saturation, Color, and Luminosity.
In the New dialog box, 32 bit is an option in the bit depth pop-up menu to the right of the Color Mode pop-up
All commands including Fill, Stroke, Free Transform, and Transform.
Photoshop (PSD, PSB), Radiance (HDR), Portable Bit Map (PBM), OpenEXR, and TIFF.
Although Photoshop cannot save an HDR image in the LogLuv TIFF file format, it can open and read a LogLuv TIFF file.
Average, Box Blur, Gaussian Blur, Motion Blur, Radial Blur, Shape Blur, Surface Blur, Add Noise, Clouds, Difference Clouds, Lens Flare,
Smart Sharpen, Unsharp Mask, Emboss, De-Interlace, NTSC Colors, High Pass, Maximum, Minimum, and Offset.
Image Size, Canvas Size, Image Rotation, Crop, Trim, Duplicate, Apply Image, Calculations, and Variables.
Pixel Aspect Ratio (Custom Pixel Aspect Ratio, Delete Pixel Aspect Ratio, Reset Pixel Aspect Ratio, etc.)
New layers, duplicate layers, adjustment layers (Levels, Vibrance, Hue/Saturation, Channel Mixer, Photo Filter, and Exposure), fill layers,
layer masks, layer styles, supported blending modes, and Smart Objects.