Moving, stacking, and locking layers – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
Page 277

Moving, stacking, and locking layers
Change the stack order of layers and groups
Move the content of layers
Rotate a layer
Lock layers
Change the stack order of layers and groups
Do one of the following:
Drag the layer or group up or down in the Layers panel. Release the mouse button when the highlighted line appears where you want to
place the layer or group.
To move a layer into a group, drag a layer to the group folder
. If the group is closed, the layer is placed at the bottom of the group.
Select a layer or group, choose Layer > Arrange, and choose a command from the submenu. If the selected item is in a group, the
command applies to the stacking order within the group. If the selected item is not in a group, the command applies to the stacking order
within the Layers panel.
To reverse the order of selected layers, choose Layer > Arrange > Reverse. These options appear dimmed if you do not have at least
two layers selected.
By definition, the background layer is always at the bottom of the stacking order. Therefore, the Send To Back command places the
selected item directly above the background layer.
Move the content of layers
1. From the Layers panel, select the layers containing the objects you want to move.
2. Select the Move tool
You can select the layers that you want to move directly in the document window. In the Move tool’s options bar, select Auto Select, the
choose Layer from the drop-down menu. Shift-click to select multiple layers. Select Auto Select, then choose Group, to select the entire
group when you select one layer in the group.
3. Do one of the following:
In the document window, drag any object onto one of the selected layers. (All objects on the layer will move together.)
Press an arrow key on the keyboard to nudge the objects by 1 pixel.
Hold down Shift and press an arrow key on the keyboard to nudge the objects by 10 pixels.
Rotate a layer
1. From the Layers panel, select the layer you want to rotate.
2. If anything is currently selected in the image, choose Select > Deselect.