Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
Page 473

Automatic Perspective Correction in Camera Raw | Photoshop CC
Straighten geometrical shapes that appear skewed because of lens distortion
Using an incorrect lens, or camera shake can cause the perspective of photographs to be tilted or skewed. The perspective may be distorted, and
is more evident in photographs containing continuous vertical lines or geometric shapes.
Adobe Camera Raw has Upright modes - four settings that can be used to automatically fix perspective. The ability to manually apply corrections
continues to be available. After applying an Upright mode, you can adjust the image further by manually modifying the available slider-based
It is recommended that you apply any lens correction profiles available for your camera and lens combination, before you apply one of the
four new presets. Applying the lens correction profile prepares the image to be analyzed better for distortion correction.
Manually correcting lens distortion using Upright presets
1. Do one of the following:
Open a camera raw file, or,
With an image open in Photoshop, click Filter > Camera Raw Filter.
2. In the Camera Raw window, navigate to the Lens Corrections tab.
3. (Optional) In the Lens Corrections > Profile tab, select the Enable Lens Profile Corrections checkbox.
Enabling Lens profile correction based on your camera and lens combination is highly recommended, before processing the photo with
the Upright presets.
4. In Lens Corrections > Manual tab, there are four Upright modes available. Click a mode to apply the correction to the photo.
Auto Applies a balanced set of perspective corrections.
Level Applies perspective correction to ensure that the image is level.
Vertical Applies level and vertical perspective corrections.
Full Applies level, vertical, and horizontal perspective corrections on the image.
While trying out the four Upright modes, if you select or clear the Enable Lens Profile Correction checkbox (Lens Correction >
Profile), click the Reanalyze link below the Upright preset buttons.