Default keyboard shortcuts – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
Page 81

Default keyboard shortcuts
Download | Photoshop CC keyboard shortcut reference (PDF)
Keys for selecting tools
Keys for viewing images
Keys for Puppet Warp
Keys for Refine Edge
Keys for the Filter Gallery
Keys for Liquify
Keys for Vanishing Point
Keys for the Camera Raw dialog box
Keys for the Black-and-White dialog box
Keys for Curves
Keys for selecting and moving objects
Keys for transforming selections, selection borders, and paths
Keys for editing paths
Keys for painting
Keys for blending modes
Keys for selecting and editing text
Keys for formatting type
Keys for slicing and optimizing
Keys for using panels
Keys for the Actions panel
Keys for adjustment layers
Keys for the Animation panel in Frames mode
Keys for the Animation panel in Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended)
Keys for the Brush panel
Keys for the Channels panel
Keys for the Clone Source panel
Keys for the Color panel
Keys for the History panel
Keys for the Info panel
Keys for the Layers panel
Keys for the Layer Comps panel
Keys for the Paths panel
Keys for the Swatches panel
Keys for 3D tools (Photoshop Extended)
Keys for measurement (Photoshop Extended)
Keys for DICOM files (Photoshop Extended)
Keys for Extract and Pattern Maker (optional plug-ins)
Function keys
Download | Photoshop CC keyboard shortcut reference (PDF)
Download this useful reference that Marijan
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has put together...
Graphic Designer from Subotica (Serbia).
Adobe Creative Cloud guru. Also an
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AS3, Flex developer; and InDesign
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