Color management and pdf/x options for adobe pdf, Adding security to pdf files – Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 v.14.xx User Manual
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Image Quality
Tile Size
Convert 16 Bit/Channel Image To 8 Bit/Channel
Color Conversion
No Conversion
Convert To Destination
Profile Inclusion Policy
Output Intent Profile Name
Output Condition
Output Condition Identifier
Registry Name
Determines the amount of compression that is applied. The available options depend on the compression method. For JPEG2000
compression, Photoshop provides Lossless, Maximum, High, Medium, Low, and Minimum options. For JPEG compression, Photoshop provides
Minimum, Low, Medium, High, and Maximum options. For ZIP compression, Photoshop provides an 8-bit Image Quality option. The 8-bit Image
Quality option is lossless; that is, data is not removed to reduce file size, so image quality is not affected.
Specifies the size of the tiles used in images with JPEG 2000 compression. When low Image Quality values are used to optimize
images smaller than 1024 x 1024 pixels, using the largest tile size produces better results. In general, a tile size of 1024 is best for most images.
Lower tile sizes are generally used for images with small dimensions (for viewing on devices such as mobile phones).
Converts 16-bits-per-channel images to 8-bits-per-channel images (selected by default). ZIP is
the only compression method available if the Convert 16 Bits option is unselected. If your document’s Compatibility setting is Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4)
or earlier, the Convert 16 Bits option is unavailable, and images are automatically converted to 8 bits per channel.
Color management and PDF/X options for Adobe PDF
You can set the following options in the Output section of the Adobe PDF Options dialog box. Interactions between Output options change
depending on whether Color Management is on or off and which PDF standard is selected.
Specifies how to represent color information in the Adobe PDF file. When you convert color objects to RGB or CMYK, also
select a destination profile from the pop-up menu. All spot color information is preserved during color conversion; only the process color
equivalents convert to the designated color space.
Preserves color data as is.
Converts all colors to the profile selected for Destination. Whether the profile is included or not is determined by
the Profile Inclusion Policy.
Describes the gamut of the final RGB or CMYK output device, such as your monitor or a SWOP standard. Using this profile,
Photoshop converts the document’s color information (defined by the source profile in the Working Spaces section of the Color Settings dialog
box) to the color space of the target output device.
Determines whether a color profile is included in the file.
Specifies the characterized printing condition for the document. An output intent profile is required for creating
PDF/X-compliant files. This menu is available only if a PDF/X standard (or preset) is selected in the Adobe PDF Options dialog box.
Describes the intended printing condition. This entry can be useful for the intended receiver of the PDF document.
A pointer to more information on the intended printing condition. The identifier is automatically entered for printing
conditions that are included in the ICC registry.
Indicates the web address for more information on the registry. The URL is automatically entered for ICC registry names.
Adding security to PDF files
When saving as PDF, you can add password protection and security restrictions, limiting not only who can open the file, but also who can copy or
extract contents, print the document, and more.
A PDF file can require passwords to open a document (document open password) and to change security settings (permissions password). If you
set any security restrictions in your file, you should set both passwords; otherwise, anyone who opens the file could remove the restrictions. If a file
is opened with a permissions password, the security restrictions are temporarily disabled.
The RC4 method of security from RSA Corporation is used to password-protect PDF files. Depending on the Compatibility setting (in the General