Noise – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 927
Sets the brightness of the sheet.
Picks the color of the membrane. Use the disclosure triangle to display Red, Green,
and Blue sliders for more precise color selection.
HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following controls: Speed, Start 1–4, End 1–4, Offset, Brightness,
and Color.
Where would motion graphics artists be without a noise filter or generator? To make
animated noise, you can keyframe the Random Seed parameter in the Noise HUD or
Inspector. When filters are applied to an animated Noise generator, you can create some
unique textures. In the second image below, the Scrape distortion filter is applied to an
animated Noise generator to create a vibrant, electric light-type texture.
Default Noise generator
Noise generator with applied Scrape filter
Parameters in the Inspector
Random Seed:
Each seed value gives you a different noise image, so changing this over
time allows you to get constantly changing noise. The easiest way to see and use the
random seed parameter is to add a ramp behavior to it, then ramp from a very small
random seed value to a very large random seed value over time.
HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following control: Random Seed.
Chapter 15
Working with Generators