Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 1284

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As you drag, the area around the tracker in the Canvas is magnified and its position is
displayed in an info window. This area is a visual aid for positioning the tracker and does
not represent a search area or region.

Note: Unlike many correlation trackers, you do not manually specify a search area when
setting up a tracker in Motion. Motion automatically searches, with subpixel accuracy, a
default area around the track point.

The Behaviors tab of the Inspector includes a Tracker Preview area that updates as you
drag the tracker in the Canvas.


Fine-tune the tracker position by doing one of the following:

• Drag in the Tracker Preview area

As you drag in the preview area, the tracker in the Canvas also updates.

Drag anywhere in the
Tracker Preview area to
adjust the position of
the tracker. You do not
have to drag the red
plus sign (+) .

If you are using rotated footage, the rotation is not reflected in the Tracker Preview in
the Inspector. The rotation is reflected in the magnified visual aid in the Canvas.

• Click the tracker’s disclosure triangle in the Behaviors tab of the Inspector, and use the

Position controls to numerically adjust the tracker’s position.


Chapter 19

Motion Tracking