Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 391
To expand or contract a region
Position the pointer at either edge of a region to modify its end point. Click to the right
to make it longer or to the left to make it shorter.
Selected regions ordinarily apply to all tracks in your Timeline. However, sometimes you
only want to select one or more tracks. This allows you to make complex selections across
multiple layers and tracks.
To move a region
Position the pointer over the region, then drag to move the region.
To deselect tracks from a selection range
Command-click the track you want to deselect.
Once you have defined your selection range, you can delete the section or ripple delete
the section (to delete it and close the resulting gap). You can cut or copy the section to
move it to the Clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else.
Note: Pasting a region does not paste at the current playhead location. To quickly move
the pasted region to the playhead location, press the Shift key while you drag the pasted
object. As you approach the current playhead location, the object snaps into place.
You can also paste into a region, which fills the existing region with the contents of the
Chapter 8
Using the Timeline