Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 1281

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Apply the Track Points behavior to a non-animated shape.

The animated object closest to the object with the applied Track Points behavior in the
Layers tab is automatically applied to the Track Points behavior as the animation source,
and is displayed in the Source well in the HUD and Inspector.

In this example, the Track Points behavior is applied to the Bezier shape, and a line used
as the source animation is animated with the Spin behavior.

Bezier shape with
applied Track Points

Animated source object

HUD’s Source well
displays the referenced
source object.

Note: To reference another animated object, drag that object to the Track Points behavior’s
Source well or directly to the behavior in the Layers tab.


In the Behaviors tab of the Inspector, choose Attach to Source from the Transform pop-up

The spinning animation of the line is applied to the Bezier shape. The Bezier shape changes
form because the vertex tangents match the transformation of the source animation.


To align the tangents to the transformation of the source object, select the Align Tangents
checkbox in the Behaviors tab of the Inspector.


Chapter 19

Motion Tracking