Output tab – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 201

Output Tab
The Output tab contains the following controls:
Use current project and canvas settings:
When this checkbox is selected, the current
project settings will override the current export settings. This allows one export preset
to be used with multiple project presets. When this checkbox is deselected, you can create
specific settings for the export preset.
You can specify the output size to be relative to the project’s frame size (Full,
Half, Third, or Quarter), to be a preset, or you can choose Custom and type a specific
number into the width and height value fields. Lower resolutions should be used only
for draft versions.
Choose whether the exported items include the color data only, color data plus
alpha channel (transparency), or just the alpha channel data.
Some compressor types do not support alpha channels.
Premultiply alpha:
When this checkbox is selected, semi-transparent pixels in your output
are mixed with black.
Frame Rate:
Controls whether projects are output at the project frame rate, or at another
frame rate that you specify. There are two options:
• Use project frame rate: When this option is selected, the project is exported at the frame
rate defined in the Project Properties dialog.
• Use (fps): When this option is selected, you can define a frame rate other than the
current project frame rate. Choose a frame rate from the pop-up menu or manually
enter a frame rate.
Sets which camera view is used when you output a 3D project. Use the default
Active Camera setting or choose another scene camera.
Note: A scene camera is a camera that you add to a project, as opposed to a default
camera view that you choose in the upper-left corner of the Canvas (Top, Right,
Perspective, and so on). You can only export a project using a scene camera.
When this checkbox is selected, the lighting effects are rendered with the
project. When this checkbox is deselected, no lighting effects appear in your final output.
When this checkbox is selected, shadows are rendered with the project. When
this checkbox is deselected, no shadows appear in your final output.
When this checkbox is selected, reflections are rendered with the project.
When this checkbox is deselected, no reflections appear in your final output.
Depth of Field:
When this checkbox is selected, camera depth of field effects are rendered
with the project. When this checkbox is deselected, no depth of field effects appear in
your final output.
Chapter 5