Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 872
This group of controls allows you to randomize the attributes assigned to
sequence through the text. For example, if you add variance to a scale sequence, the text
scale is randomized rather than moving strictly from the original Scale value to the Scale
value defined in the sequence behavior. These sliders control the frequency of the
randomness. When sequencing is set to To, From, Through, or Through Inverted, it is
useful to see how the Variance numbers affect the randomness. The following image
shows a sequence animation in which the Y Position is offset. When a low variance value
(or “frequency”) is applied, the randomness is very smooth along the line of text—like
the text is riding a very slow and smooth wave.
As the variance is increased, the randomness increases across the line of text—the text
is riding on very short and frequent waves so they are offset in Y with more randomness.
When Custom is chosen from the Sequencing pop-up menu, the same principle applies
in that a low variance value causes the text to offset from its animation with a smooth
path, while a high variance causes more randomness.
Note: The Variance parameters are sensitive, so keep in mind that low values are necessary
for smooth animation results.
• Variance: Allows you to fluctuate the values of the attributes assigned to sequence
through the text. For example, if you add variance to an opacity sequence, the text
opacity is randomized rather than moving strictly from the original Scale value to the
Scale value defined in the sequence behavior.
Chapter 14
Animating Text