Apple Motion 5.1.1 User Manual
Motion user guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Chapter 1: Motion basics
- Chapter 2: Introduction to the Motion interface
- Chapter 3: Motion menus
- Chapter 4: Preferences
- Chapter 5: User interface controls
- Chapter 6: Create and manage projects
- Chapter 7: Basic compositing
- Chapter 8: Timeline
- Timeline overview
- Manage Timeline layers
- Manage Timeline layers overview
- Enable Timeline tracks
- Timeline track display
- Collapse and expand groups and layers
- Lock Timeline tracks
- Manage audio-video links
- Timeline view options
- Zoom in the Timeline
- Adjust Timeline track height
- Customize track display
- Name objects in the Timeline layers list
- Manage track order
- Nest groups and layers
- Add objects to the Timeline
- Edit objects in the Timeline
- Display and modify keyframes in the Timeline
- Work in the ruler
- Markers
- Mini-Timeline
- Chapter 9: Behaviors
- Behaviors overview
- Behaviors versus keyframes
- Browse for behaviors
- Where applied behaviors appear
- Use behaviors
- Modify behaviors
- Work with behaviors
- Behavior order of operations
- Modify behavior timing
- Combine behaviors with keyframes
- Animate behavior parameters
- Save and share custom behaviors
- Basic Motion behaviors
- Parameter behaviors
- Retiming behaviors
- Simulation behaviors
- Additional behaviors
- Chapter 10: Rigs and widgets
- Chapter 11: Final Cut Pro X templates
- Final Cut Pro X templates overview
- Template types
- How templates work
- Create and edit an effect
- Create and edit a title
- Create and edit a transition
- Create and edit a generator
- Use images in template placeholders
- Publishing parameters in templates
- Animation and timing in templates
- Template markers
- Template resolution
- Using masks in templates
- Template files and media save location
- Add multiple display aspect ratios to a template
- Tips for creating templates
- Chapter 12: Keyframing
- Chapter 13: Keying
- Chapter 14: Particles
- Particles overview
- Anatomy of a particle system
- Particle systems and layer sizes
- Create particle systems
- Adjust a particle emitter in the HUD
- Adjust a particle emitter and its cells in the Inspector
- Adjust a particle emitter in the Properties Inspector
- Particle Emitter Timing controls
- Create graphics for particle systems
- Animate objects in particle systems
- Use masks with particle systems
- Apply filters to particle systems
- Particle system examples
- Save custom particle effects to the Library
- Chapter 15: Replicator
- Replicator overview
- Anatomy of a replicator
- About replicator cell source layers
- Create a replicator
- Adjust a replicator and cells in the HUD
- Adjust a replicator and cells in the Inspector
- Adjust a replicator in the Properties Inspector
- Replicator Timing controls
- Use replicator onscreen controls
- Use image and geometry objects
- Animate replicators
- Animate replicators overview
- Apply behaviors to replicators
- Special behavior considerations
- Apply the Sequence Replicator behavior
- Add parameters to the Sequence Replicator behavior
- Adjust the Sequence Control parameters
- Sequence Replicator controls
- Use the Sequence Replicator Custom Traversal option
- Use Parameter behaviors with the Sequence Replicator behavior
- Display replicator animation curves in the Keyframe Editor
- Use replicators in 3D space
- Use masks with replicators
- Apply filters to replicators
- Save custom replicators to the Library
- Chapter 16: Text
- Text overview
- Set preferences for text
- Create text
- Use text files created externally
- Ways to edit text
- Text tools in the toolbar
- About fonts
- Text HUD
- Text Inspector
- Edit text format
- Edit text style
- Edit text layout
- Text Layout pane
- Layout controls in the Layout pane
- Text Rendering controls in the Layout pane
- Behavior controls in the Layout pane
- Type On controls in the Layout pane
- Path Options controls in the Layout pane
- Text path-related tasks
- Margins controls in the Layout pane
- Tab controls in the Layout pane
- Margin and tab-related tasks
- Text glyphs
- Find and replace text
- Apply filters to text
- Chapter 17: Animated text
- Animated text overview
- Text animation behaviors
- Sequence Text behavior
- Scroll Text behavior
- Text Tracking behavior
- Type On behavior
- Preset Text Sequence behaviors
- Save a modified text behavior to the Library
- Use behaviors to animate text in 3D
- Animate text with keyframes
- Animate with the Transform Glyph tool
- Add nontext behaviors to text
- Chapter 18: Generators
- Chapter 19: Filters
- Filters overview
- Browse and preview filters
- Apply and remove filters
- Filter performance considerations
- Filters and cropping
- Adjust filters
- Animate filter parameters
- Apply behaviors to filter parameters
- Publish filter parameters and onscreen controls
- Manipulate alpha channels using filters
- Blur filters
- Border filters
- Color Correction filters
- Distortion filters
- Glow filters
- Sharpen filters
- Stylize filters
- Tiling filters
- Time filters
- Video filters
- Chapter 20: Shapes, masks, and paint strokes
- Shapes, masks, and paint strokes overview
- Draw simple shapes
- Add shapes from the Library
- Draw complex spline shapes and masks
- Edit shape fill, outline, and feathering
- Draw paint strokes
- Edit control points
- Edit control points overview
- Display control points
- Select and deselect control points
- Move control points to adjust a shape
- Modify shape edges
- Transform multiple control points
- Add and delete control points
- Lock control points
- Edit Bezier control points
- Edit B-Spline control points
- Use dynamic guides and snapping
- Shape parameters
- Edit shapes as layers
- Shape behaviors
- Keyframe the Shape Animation parameter
- Save shapes and shape styles
- Copy styles between shapes
- Masks and transparency
- Convert between shapes and masks
- Chapter 21: 3D compositing
- Chapter 22: Motion tracking
- Motion tracking overview
- How a tracker works
- Tracking behaviors
- Tracking workflows
- Adjust onscreen trackers
- Strategies for better tracking
- General tracking guidelines
- Basic strategies to improve tracking results
- Advanced strategies to improve tracking results
- Track perspective, scale, or rotational shifts
- Track obscured or off-frame points
- Track retimed footage
- Basic strategies to improve stabilization
- Remove black borders from stabilized clips
- Track groups
- Save tracks
- Tracking behavior controls
- Chapter 23: Audio
- Chapter 24: Share Motion projects
- Share Motion projects overview
- Share to Apple devices
- Share to iMovie, GarageBand, and other Apple applications
- Create a DVD, Blu-ray disc, AVCHD disc, or disk image
- Share to email
- Publish to video-sharing sites
- Export a QuickTime movie
- Export audio only
- Export an image sequence
- Export a still image
- Export for HTTP Live Streaming
- Export using Compressor
- Render settings
- Background rendering
- About Share Monitor
- Chapter 25: About rasterization
- Chapter 26: Video and file formats
- Chapter 27: Gestures
- Chapter 28: Keyboard shortcuts
- Keyboard shortcuts overview
- Enable function keys on portable Macintosh computers
- General interface commands
- Menu commands
- Audio list
- Tools
- Transport controls
- View options
- Miscellaneous
- File Browser
- Inspector
- Keyframe Editor
- Layers
- Library
- Media list
- Timeline editing and navigating
- Keyframing commands
- Shape and Mask commands
- Toolbar
- 3D commands
- Use the Command Editor