Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 777

Sets the font (the set of characters, letters, and symbols of a single font) for the
Sets the type style, such as Bold, Condensed, and so on. The available typefaces
are specific to the selected font family.
Determines the size of the text. You can enter a value in the value field or use the
slider. To change the font size, drag the Size slider left or right. The value of the Size in
the HUD and the Inspector is limited to 288 points. To create larger text, type a value in
the Size value field.
Size value field
Note: You can also scale the text in the Canvas using the onscreen controls, but doing
so scales the text as a layer and is independent of setting type point size via the Format
Determines the spacing between the text characters. Tracking applies a uniform
value between each character.
Adjusts the spacing between individual characters of text.
Adjusts the baseline of text characters. The baseline is a horizontal “line” to
which the bottom of the characters is aligned.
Simulates italics by adding a slant value to the text characters.
Scales the text characters either proportionately in X space or Y space. To scale in
only X or only Y, click the disclosure triangle to enter separate X and Y scale values. In the
following image, the text X Scale is set to 50%, and the Y Scale is set to 100%.
Scale parameter
disclosure triangle
Chapter 13
Creating and Editing Text