Primatte rt – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
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Primatte RT
The Primatte RT filter is a high-quality keying filter, which renders the blue or green areas
of the image transparent, allowing one or more background images to show through.
Original image
Primatte RT filter (Backing Color set
to Green), so background cheetah
shows through
Parameters in the Inspector
Output Type:
Sets the output type of the keyer. Select values from the following:
Foreground, Background, Processed Foreground, and Matte.
Backing Color:
Pick the backing color for the matte. Use the disclosure triangle to display
Red, Green, Blue, and Opacity sliders for more precise color selection. In addition, clicking
the color well opens the Colors window, which allows you to use the color controls to
select a color from the object.
Auto Sample:
Automatically samples the dominant color type in the image to be used
for the key. Select Red, Green, or Blue.
Replacement Color:
Picks the color to be used to fill in pixels in spill and transition areas.
The intelligent edge smoothing of the Primatte RT filter can take pixel color values from
the background to substitute in spill and transition areas. Use the disclosure triangle to
display Red, Green, Blue, and Opacity sliders for more precise color selection.
Noise Removal:
Sets the threshold for noise removal.
Matte Density:
Sets the density of the matte. This value cannot be set to a value lower
than Noise Removal.
Spill Suppression:
Sets the amount of spill suppression applied to the matte. This value
cannot be set to a value lower than Noise Removal.
Sets what percentage of the original image is blended with the keyed image.
HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following controls: Output Type, Backing Color, Auto Sample,
Replacement Color, Noise Removal, Matte Density, and Spill Suppression.
Chapter 16
Using Filters