Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1308

Parameters in the Inspector
Drag the source object for the match move to this well. The source object can
be another tracking behavior, an animated object, or a footage object. When a Match
Move behavior is added to an object, the nearest animated object, recorded track, or
footage object beneath the behavior in the Layers tab appears in this well. To clear a
Source well, drag the item away from the well and release the mouse button.
When any non-footage object (such as a shape or mask) is dropped in the Source well,
the trackers are no longer available in Match Move.
Note: When the Match Move behavior is applied to a mask, the masked object is
automatically selected as the source.
Tracking behaviors pop-up menu:
Choose from a list of tracking data (from other tracking
behaviors) within the project.
Tracking behaviors
pop-up menu
The Movement parameters contain the Analyze and Reverse parameters.
• Analyze: Click the Analyze button to begin the motion tracking analysis. Once Analyze
is clicked, a status window appears that displays the tracking progress. To stop the
analysis, click the Stop button in the status window or press Esc.
The start of the track is based on the current playhead position, rather than the start
of the behavior in the Timeline.
• Reverse: When the Reverse checkbox is selected, the clip is analyzed from the current
playhead position to the first frame of the clip (or the first frame of the tracking
Note: You must move the playhead to the frame from which you want to begin the
reverse analysis.
This pop-up menu allows you to choose between one-point, two-point, or four-point
• Transformation: This option allows one-point or two-point tracking, transforming the
destination object.
• Four Corners: This option enables four-point tracking, corner-pinning the destination
object. When this option is chosen, the Direction and Adjust parameters are no longer
The Four Corners option is not available when Match Move is applied to a
3D group or a mask. To corner-pin a 3D group, select the Flatten checkbox in the Group
tab of the Inspector.
Chapter 19
Motion Tracking