Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 1109

background image

Image: Allows you to use a layer as a dab source. When Brush Type is set to Image,

the Stroke and Advanced panes become available in the Shape Inspector.

Brush Color: Lets you pick a color to use for the outline or paint dabs. These color

controls are identical to the shape Fill Color controls (and all color controls throughout

Note: When Stroke Color Mode (in the Stroke pane) is set to Color Over Stroke or Pick
From Color Range, Brush Color is not available.

Brush Opacity: Defines the opacity of the entire stroke, regardless of the Brush Type


Note: When Stroke Color Mode (in the Stroke pane) is set to Color Over Stroke or Pick
From Color Range, the Brush Color and Brush Opacity parameters are unavailable. When
Stroke Color Mode (in the Stroke pane) is set to Use Brush Color, you can adjust the
opacity, in the Stroke pane, to change over the course of the stroke. For more
information on using the Opacity Over Stroke parameter, see

Stroke Pane Controls in

the Inspector


The Brush Opacity control allows you to define a different opacity value for a shape
and its outline.

Outline opacity set to 50%

Outline opacity set to 100%

Brush Source: When Image is the selected Brush Type, drag a layer into the Brush Source

image well for use as the outline’s brush source. You can use images, image sequences,
QuickTime movies, text, and shapes as the brush source.


Chapter 17

Using Shapes, Masks, and Paint Strokes