Canvas rulers – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 70
To zoom in and out of a specific area of the Canvas
Hold down the Space bar and Command key (in that order), then drag the area of the
Canvas you want to zoom. While still holding down the keys, click the mouse button to
zoom in 50 percent increments of the current zoom level. Press Space
bar-Command-Option (in that order), then click to zoom out in 50 percent increments of
the current zoom level.
Note: To pan the Canvas without selecting the Pan tool, hold down the Space bar and
drag in the Canvas.
To reset the Canvas Zoom level
Do one of the following:
Choose 100% from the Zoom Level pop-up menu.
In the Toolbar, double-click the Zoom tool (located between the Pan and Walk Camera
To reset the Canvas Pan
In the Toolbar, double-click the Pan tool.
To zoom the Canvas so that the entire viewable area of the project fills the window
Choose Fit In Window from the Zoom Level pop-up menu.
Canvas Rulers
Using rulers in the Canvas can help you compose or align the elements of your project,
as well as snap objects to the rulers.
To turn on rulers
In the View pop-up menu, enable Rulers (or press Command-Shift-R). When enabled, a
checkmark appears next to the item in the pop-up menu.
By default, rulers appear along the left and top sides of the Canvas. You can change the
location of the rulers in the Canvas pane of Motion Preferences.
To change the location of the rulers
Choose Motion > Preferences.
In the Canvas pane, choose a ruler layout from the Ruler Location pop-up menu.
To add a horizontal or vertical guide to the Canvas
In the Toolbar, click the Select/Transform tool (or press S).
Click in the gray area of the horizontal or vertical ruler, and drag into the Canvas.
As you drag, the value of the guide is displayed in the Canvas.
Chapter 2
The Motion Interface