Adding behaviors and filters to text – Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 844

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Specifies the glyph attribute to be modified.

Transform Glyph: Displays onscreen controls that allow you to scale, move, or rotate

the glyph.

Face: Displays onscreen controls that allow you to shear or four-corner warp the face

(color fill) of the glyph.

Outline: Displays onscreen controls that allow you to shear or four-corner warp the

outline of the glyph.

Glow: Displays onscreen controls that allow you to shear or four-corner warp the glow

of the glyph.

Drop Shadow: Displays onscreen controls that allow you to shear or four-corner warp

the drop shadow of the glyph.

Adding Behaviors and Filters to Text

Nontext behaviors and filters are applied to text in the same manner as they are to other
layers in Motion. This section provides a quick guide to applying behaviors and filters to

When a filter is applied to text, the text is flattened. In the Layout pane of the Text
Inspector, the Flatten checkbox is selected and the parameter is disabled. When text is
flattened, filters are applied to the text in local space; that is, “flat” to the text.

Flattened text with applied Twirl filter

Note: To turn off the Flatten checkbox once a filter is applied, turn off (or remove) the
filter in the Layers tab, select the text, then turn off the Flatten checkbox (in the Layout
pane of the Text Inspector). If you turn the filter back on, the text is flattened (the Flatten
checkbox is selected and the parameter is disabled.


Chapter 13

Creating and Editing Text