Membrane – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 926

Streak Noise Level:
Sets the level of noise in the streaks of the lens flare. Values range
from 0 to 20.
Ring Radius:
Sets the radius of the ring of the lens flare. Values range from 0 to 1.
Ring Width:
Sets the ring’s width, with values ranging from 0 to 1.
Glow Falloff:
Sets how fast the glow falls off of the lens flare. Values range from 0 to 20.
Streak Map:
An image well that displays a thumbnail of the map chosen for the streaks
of the lens flare.
For information on using image wells, see
HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following controls: Size, Intensity, Falloff, Color, Outer Color, Ring
Color, Streak Color, Streak Intensity, Streak Count, Streak Noise Frequency, Streak Noise
Level, Ring Radius, Ring Width, Glow Falloff, and Streak Map.
The Membrane generator creates a sheer, animated sheet that appears to move gracefully
about in 3D space. The speed, start and end points, offset, brightness, and color can be
modified and animated. To expand the animation beyond the Canvas borders, increase
the Width and Height parameters in the Inspector.
Default Membrane generator
Modified Membrane generator (composited
over a gradient)
Parameters in the Inspector
Sets the speed of movement of the sheet.
Start 1–4:
Sets the starting point for the sheet wave. Experiment with these controls to
find different wave shapes.
End 1–4:
Sets the ending point for the sheet wave. Experiment with these controls to
find different wave shapes.
Sets the coordinates of the center of the sheet. Coordinates are calculated from
the center of your object, which is the coordinate origin.
Chapter 15
Working with Generators