Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1363

To change the output export options
Choose File > Export, then click the Options button.
Click the Output tab.
In the Output pane, choose the output settings you want:
Export presets are exported with “Use current project and canvas settings” selected by
default. When this checkbox is selected, the Color option is set to Color + Alpha. All other
fields are set according to the current project and canvas settings.
• Select the “Use current project and canvas settings” checkbox to use the current project
settings as displayed in the Project Properties dialog or turn it off to specify different
settings. When the “Use current project and canvas settings” checkbox is deselected,
the export uses the settings defined here, overriding your project settings.
• Choose one of the project preset sizes from the Resolution pop-up menu, or choose
Custom and type a custom frame size in the two Resolution value fields.
• Choose whether the export file includes only color data, only alpha channel
(transparency) data, or both from the Color pop-up menu.
Note: Some codecs do not support alpha channels.
• Select the Premultiply alpha checkbox to mix semi-transparent pixels in the exported
file with the project’s background color, as set in Project Properties.
• Select the Field Rendering checkbox to render individual fields, instead of rendering
whole frames.
• Select the Motion Blur checkbox to have motion blur applied to moving objects,
regardless of the setting in the View pop-up menu (above the Canvas).
Chapter 21
Outputting Motion Projects