Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 717

A color well that becomes available when the Color Mode is set to Colorize. Use
it to specify a color to use to tint the replicator elements. You can also alter each element’s
opacity. This parameter is unique to the cell object. You can either click the color well to
choose a color, or open the disclosure triangle and use the Red, Green, Blue, and Opacity
channel sliders or value sliders.
Opacity Gradient:
This gradient editor appears when Color Mode is set either to Original
or Colorize. Use it to change the opacity of the replicator elements over the pattern. This
gradient control is limited to grayscale values, which are used to represent varying levels
of transparency. White represents solid elements; progressively darker levels of gray
represent decreasing opacity; and black represents complete transparency. A simple
white to black gradient represents a pattern that is solid at its origin, but which fades out
gradually. For more information on using the gradient and opacity gradient controls, see
Color Repetitions:
When Color Mode is set to Over Pattern, this parameter becomes
available. Drag the slider to increase the number of times the gradient is repeated over
the pattern. For more information on using the gradient controls, see
Defines the scale of the replicator elements. Click the disclosure triangle next to
the Scale parameter to reveal separate X Scaling and Y Scaling subparameters that can
be used to adjust the width and height of the elements separately. By default, Scale is
set to 100%—the size of the replicator elements is equal to the size of the source layer.
Scale End:
Specifies the scale of the replicator elements at the end of the pattern, relative
to the Scale value. For example, if Scale is set to 100% and Scale End set to 50%, the
elements are 100% at their origin, and half of their size at the end of the pattern.
Chapter 12
Using the Replicator