Sending outputs to compressor, Exporting portions of a project, Exporting a selection – Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 1386: Options in the export selection dialog

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Use the output type pop-up menu in the output you just created to assign a specific
output type.

To remove an output from the Share window


In the Share window, click the Remove Output button (–) on the right end of the output
you want to remove.

Sending Outputs to Compressor

From the Share window, you can send one or more outputs to the Compressor application.
Clicking the Send to Compressor button opens a batch window in Compressor based on
all of the current Share window outputs (and their applied settings). This allows you to
use the advanced transcoding features in Compressor to complete the exporting session.
You can use default Apple settings or create custom settings for future Share exports.
For information about using Compressor, see the Compressor User Manual, available in
Compressor Help.

Exporting Portions of a Project

You aren’t required to export your entire project. You can limit what is exported in several
ways. You can select specific items in your project to be exported, and you can also restrict
the export to a specific range of time.

Exporting a Selection

The Export Selection option allows you to export only certain elements such as a group
or an individual layer.

Note: When reflections are enabled, exporting an object actively reflecting another object
will export without the reflection unless the reflected object is also included in the export.

To export a selection


Select at least one object in your project in the Project pane or Timeline.


Choose File > Export Selection.


Follow the same steps as for regular exporting.

For information about exporting, see

Exporting from Motion


Options in the Export Selection Dialog

The Export Selection dialog contains options for file naming, choosing a file type, choosing
which elements to include in the export, and designating options for events that take
place when the export operation is completed. The Export Selection dialog contains the
following items:

Save As:

Type the name of the file you wish to export.


Choose a location to save the exported file.


Chapter 21

Outputting Motion Projects