Bad tv – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1032

Sets the amount of grain, allowing you to simulate different types of film stock.
Frequency of Change:
Defines how often (in frames), the values set in the parameters
with variance are recalculated. For example, if Frequency of Change is set to 30, and Jitter
Amount and Jitter Frequency are set to values greater than 0, the jitter parameters are
recalculated every 30 frames, creating additional randomness.
Random Seed:
A slider that lets you pick a new random seed number. This number is
used to randomly generate new sequences of values, based on the other parameters of
this behavior.
Sets what percentage of the original image is blended with the filtered image.
HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following controls: Focus Amount, Focus Variance, Brightness
Amount, Brightness Variance, Saturate Amount, Saturate Variance, Scratches, Hairs, Dust,
Jitter Amount, Jitter Variance, Grain, Frequency of Change, and Random Seed.
Bad TV
This filter simulates poor analog television reception, adding attributes like exaggerated
video field scan lines, static and roll. This filter causes rasterization in 3D groups.
Original image
Bad TV applied
Parameters in the Inspector
Sets the amount of horizontal offset applied to the video fields.
Sets the amount of vertical offset applied to the image. The entire image is displayed,
but the image is split along the roll line, with the otherwise missing part of the footage
shown joined along the roll line.
Sets the amount of static added to the image.
Color Synch:
Sets the amount of horizontal RGB channel offset applied to the image.
Sets the amount of color saturation applied to the image. Negative values
reduce saturation, positive values add saturation.
Scan Line Brightness:
Sets the brightness of the video field scan lines added to the image.
Chapter 16
Using Filters