Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1483

In the Inspector, notice the Position parameter is automatically included in the behavior
parameters. This is because the Drop In From Left behavior animates the text characters
to drop in one at a time (by default). The value of the Y Position determines the furthest
vertical point from the original position of the text. The default Y Position value is 200,
which means the text animation begins 200 points above the original position of the
text. To change the initial starting position of the text, enter a different number in the
Position parameter value sliders.
In the following image, the Y Position value is set to 100, so the text falls a shorter distance
(than the default 200 pixels). A value of 100 is also set in the X Position value, so the text
falls at an angle rather than vertically.
Because the Drop In From Left behavior animates the opacity of the characters of text,
the Opacity parameter is included in the behavior parameters. The Opacity value
determines the most transparent point in the text animation. The default Opacity value
is 0%, which means the text animation begins completely transparent and ends at the
Opacity value of the original text. To change transparency of the text, enter a different
number in the Opacity parameter value field.
Note: You can set different Opacity values for the different text style parameters (Outline,
Glow, and Drop Shadow).
Appendix E
Obsolete Text Behaviors