Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1148

Parameters in the Inspector
Shape Outline:
This pop-up menu determines whether the stroke is drawn, erased, or
drawn and erased.
• Draw: Draws the stroke over the duration of the behavior.
• Erase: The stroke is completely drawn at the beginning of the behavior and is erased
over the duration of the behavior.
• Draw and Erase: The stroke is drawn, then erased over the duration of the behavior.
• Erase and Draw: The stroke is completely drawn at the beginning of the behavior, is
erased, then is drawn again.
Stroke Length:
This slider defines the length, as a percentage, of the drawn or erased
stroke. A value of 100% uses the entire length of the stroke, bounded by the First Point
Offset and Last Point Offset parameters. If Stroke Length is set to 50%, once 50% of the
stroke is drawn on, it begins to erase (from the beginning of the stroke) so that only half
of the length of the stroke is ever displayed over the duration of the behavior.
Stroke Offset:
This slider offsets where the stroke begins on the shape. The value is
expressed as a percentage of the total length of the shape from the start point defined
on the shape.
This pop-up menu sets the direction in which the stroke is drawn. There are
two options:
• Forward: The stroke is drawn in a forward direction.
• Reverse: The stroke is drawn in reverse.
A pop-up menu that defines the stroke’s “draw-on” velocity from the first to the
last point in the stroke. There are nine options:
• Constant: The stroke is drawn at a steady speed from the first to the last point in the
• Ease In: The drawing of the stroke starts at a slow speed, then reaches and maintains
a steady speed through the last point on the stroke.
• Ease Out: The drawing of the stroke starts at a steady speed, then slows down as it
gradually decelerates to a stop at the last point of the stroke.
• Ease Both: The drawing of the stroke slowly accelerates from the first point on the
stroke, and then slows down as it gradually decelerates to a stop at the last point of
the stroke.
• Accelerate: The stroke is drawn with increasing speed.
• Decelerate: The stroke is drawn with decreasing speed.
Chapter 17
Using Shapes, Masks, and Paint Strokes