Adjusting the stabilize behavior’s track region – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1276

Enable or disable the Adjust options:
• Turn on Position to apply the analyzed position data to the clip. (The X and Y position
changes in the footage are smoothed or stabilized.) To stabilize the X and Y position
of the shot, but leave any scale or rotation changes intact, turn on Position and turn
off Scale and Rotation.
• Turn on Scale to apply any analyzed scale data to the clip. (Any scale changes in the
footage are smoothed or stabilized.) To stabilize or smooth changes in scale, but
leave any position or rotation changes intact, turn on Scale and turn off Position and
• Turn on Rotation to apply analyzed rotation data to the clip. (Changes in the rotation
of the footage are smoothed or stabilized.) To stabilize or smooth changes in rotation
in the shot, but leave any position or scale changes intact, turn on Rotation and turn
off Position and Scale.
For the smoothest possible result, turn on all three Adjust options (Position, Scale, and
Note: The Scale option is not related to the Zoom option in the Borders pop-up menu.
Note: You can change the Method, Borders, Direction, and Adjust parameters before
or after the clip is analyzed.
Click the Analyze button in the HUD or Behaviors tab of the Inspector.
Note: The clip is stabilized according to the defined parameters. Unlike the Motion trackers,
the default Stabilize analysis does not create keyframes in the Keyframe Editor. However,
the stabilized object’s transformation can be converted to keyframes. For more information,
Converting Tracks to Keyframes
. When correlation trackers are added to and analyzed
with the Stabilize behavior, keyframes are created.
For more information on correcting problems associated with stabilization, see
Troubleshooting Stabilizing Effects
Adjusting the Stabilize Behavior’s Track Region
When stabilizing a clip, you can use the Track Region parameter to define an area that
you want to be analyzed (isolating the stabilization to a limited area of the analyzed
source). During analysis, the area outside of the region is ignored. Use this option for
faster processing of a clip.
To use the Stabilize behavior’s Track Region parameter
In the Stabilize parameters (in the Behaviors tab of the Inspector), select the Track Region
A transparent red control appears in the Canvas.
Do one of the following:
• Drag in the region to change its position.
Chapter 19
Motion Tracking