Unsharp mask, Stylize filters – Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 1029

background image

Unsharp Mask

Similar to Sharpen, this filter provides many more options to refine and control the amount
of sharpening applied to the image. This filter causes rasterization in 3D groups.

Original image

Unsharp Mask filter applied

Parameters in the Inspector


Sets the amount of the mask’s effect.


Sets the amount of the multiplier used to sharpen the object’s edges.


Sets the threshold of luminance difference to be considered as a high contrast

range, between 0 and 1.


Sets the horizontal width of the unsharp mask.


Sets the vertical scale of the unsharp mask.


Sets what percentage of the original image is blended with the filtered image.

HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following controls: Radius, Amount, and Threshold.

Stylize Filters

Unlike distortion filters, which warp and deform an image, filters in the stylize subcategory
make an image appear as if it was created with a different medium.


Chapter 16

Using Filters