Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1253

The Analyze Motion behavior analyzes and stores tracking information from a clip. The
behavior does not transform the tracked object. This data can be referenced by other
tracking behaviors.
For a full description of the Analyze Motion parameters, see
Tracking in one pass rarely yields perfect results without some fine-tuning. For information
on various tracking methods and tips, see
Strategies for Better Tracking
With the exception of the Stabilize behavior’s automatic analysis mode, the
tracking analysis begins at the current playhead position for all workflows. To define a
tracking region, set an Out point for the tracked clip. If you are performing a reverse track,
set In and Out points for your track. To set an Out point, position the playhead at the
correct frame, select the clip, then choose Mark > Mark Play Range Out (or press
Command-Option-O). To set an In point, position the playhead at the correct frame, select
the clip, then choose Mark > Mark Play Range In (or press Command-Option-I).
To generate a track for a clip using the Analyze Motion behavior
In the Layers tab, Timeline, or Canvas, select the footage that you want to track, click the
Add Behavior icon in the Toolbar, then choose Motion Tracking > Analyze Motion from
the pop-up menu.
Note: You can also select the footage, select the behavior in the Library, then click the
Apply button in the Library Preview area, or drag a behavior from the Library to the
Chapter 19
Motion Tracking