Cache pane, Memory & cache, Autosave – Apple Motion 4 User Manual

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Cache Pane

The Cache pane contains settings to control the cache for projects. There are four
categories of controls: Memory & Cache, Autosave, LiveFonts, and Optical Flow Retiming.

Memory & Cache

This setting in the Cache pane of the Preferences window lets you specify how much
memory is allocated to the project cache.

Project Cache:

Enter a number in the value field to specify the percentage of your total

system memory that you want to use for the project cache. The larger the number, the
more memory available to Motion to cache frames, resulting in a higher likelihood of
consistently smooth playback.


These settings in the Cache pane of the Preferences window control how frequently
projects are automatically saved, as well as the location of the saved files. Saved projects
are time-and-date stamped.

Use Autosave Vault:

When this checkbox is selected, Motion stores auto-saved projects

to the location specified by the Autosave Vault Folder path. By default, the Autosave Vault
folder is located in a folder called Motion Documents in the Documents folder of your
home directory.

Save a copy every:

Specifies how often, in minutes, a project is saved.

Keep at most:

Specifies how many versions of the autosaved project to store in the vault.

Maximum of:

Specifies the maximum number of different auto-saved projects to store

in the vault.

Autosave Vault Folder:

The Choose button allows you to set where the Autosave files

are kept. The Reset button sets the Autosave location back to its default.


Chapter 5
