Custom – Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 463

The value is represented as a percentage, in pixels, or in degrees, depending on the
parameter assignment. For example, if Clamp is applied to the Rotation parameter, the
Min and Max values are degrees. If Clamp is applied to the X Position parameter, the
values are in pixels.
Apply To:
The Apply To (Go) pop-up menu shows the parameter being affected and can
be used to reassign the behavior to another parameter.
HUD Controls
The HUD lets you set the clamp to Min, Max, or Min and Max values, and also to change
the parameter assignment.
Related Behaviors
The Custom behavior allows you to make your own behaviors by creating a set of
parameters, then keyframing them to create the type of animation you want to apply to
an object. By saving custom behaviors you create in the Library, you can create your own
collection of behaviors to suit your needs.
Prior to creating a Custom behavior, you must first add the Custom behavior to an object
in the Canvas. The Custom behavior is added to an object like all other non-Parameter
behaviors in Motion.
Note: Although the Custom behavior is a Parameter behavior, it does not appear in the
shortcut menu when you Control-click a parameter.
Parameters in the Inspector
Unlike other behaviors, the Custom behavior doesn’t start out with any parameters in
the Behaviors tab. Instead, a pair of pop-up menus allows you to add and remove any
parameters you want to use.
Add Parameter:
The Add Parameter pop-up menu allows you to add parameters that
you want to keyframe to create custom animation. Choose a parameter from this menu
to add it to the Custom parameter list for keyframing.
Remove Parameter:
The Remove Parameter pop-up menu lists all the parameters you’ve
added to the current Custom behavior. Choose a parameter from this menu to remove
it from the Custom parameter list, along with any keyframes that are applied to that
Chapter 9
Using Behaviors