Sorting columns – Apple Motion 4 User Manual

Page 29

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To view the File Browser in list view


Click the List View button to the right of the Path pop-up menu above the sidebar.

Icon View

List View

In icon view, you can control the size of the icons using the scale slider at the bottom of
the window.

Scale slider

To change the icon size


Drag the icon scale slider to the right to make the icons larger and drag to the left to
make them smaller.


On a Multi-Touch trackpad, use a pinch open to make the icons larger or pinch closed to
make the icons smaller.

In list view, the contents of the selected folder are displayed as a series of columns: Name,
Date, Size, Duration, and Kind.

You may need to expand the width of the utility window, or use the scroller at the bottom
of the window (or a two-finger swipe on a Multi-Touch trackpad), to see all of the columns.

Sorting Columns

You can sort the list by any of the columns. This can be helpful if you are looking for a
particular file and you know the approximate size or modification date.

To sort the File Browser list


Click the header for the column you want to sort.

The column header darkens and the contents of the window are sorted by that column.


Chapter 2

The Motion Interface