Apple Motion 4 User Manual
Page 1116

Opacity Over Stroke:
An opacity control that appears when Stroke Color Mode is set to
Use Brush Color. Use it to change the opacity of dabs based on their location on the
stroke. This gradient control is limited to grayscale values, which are used to represent
varying levels of transparency. White represents solid dabs, progressively darker levels of
gray represent decreasing opacity, and black represents complete transparency. A simple
white-to-black gradient represents a stroke that is solid at its start, but that fades out
gradually over its length until finally vanishing at the end. For information on using the
gradient editor, see
Gradient preset
pop-up menu
Use the gradient preset pop-up menu to load a custom opacity gradient into the gradient
Note: None of the default gradients have opacity gradients. If a color gradient preset is
selected, it has no effect on the opacity gradient.
Color Over Stroke:
A gradient editor defining the range of color of the stroke, beginning
with the leftmost color in the gradient, and progressing through the range of colors until
reaching the rightmost color at the end of the stroke. Gradual color changes do not
appear in each dab, only across the stroke as a whole. An opacity bar appears at the top
of the gradient editor. For information on using gradient editors, see
Chapter 17
Using Shapes, Masks, and Paint Strokes