Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual

Page 1865

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Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual


MAPS groups




- Manage MAPS Groups dialog box

3. Review the group details:

Sort the contents by clicking the column header (Name or Type). Click the same column header
again to reverse the sort order.

Groups list — List of groups available on the selected fabric or device.

Name — Group name

Type — Group type (Port, SFP, or Circuit)

Available Ports/Circuits list — List of available ports, SFPs, or circuits and the associated
products for the selected group.

Group/Product — Available devices and ports

Name — Device name, port name, or circuit name

IP Address — IP address of the device

Product Type — Product type (such as switch or blade)

Left and right arrow buttons — Click to move ports, SFPs, or circuits between the Selected
Ports/Circuits list and Selected Ports/Circuits list.

Selected Ports/Circuits list — List of selected ports, SFPs, or circuits and the associated
products for the selected group.

Group/Product — Selected devices and ports

Name — Device name, port name, or circuit name

IP Address — IP address of the device

Product Type — Product type (such as switch or blade)

Add button — Click to add a group to the Groups list. To create one or more groups on the
selected device or fabric, refer to

“Creating multiple groups”

on page 1825.

Delete button — Click to delete the selected group from the Groups list (

“Deleting a group”

on page 1826).

4. Click OK on the Fabric/Device _Name - Manage MAPS Groups dialog box.

5. Click Close on the MAPS Configuration dialog box.