Unregistering a registered trap – Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
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Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
SNMP traps
4. Select the trap you want to register.
The SNMP name and Object Identification (OID) of the trap appear at the top line of the
configuration pane. Also, the status of the trap shows Not Registered, which is the default
definition of the trap.
Details about the trap appear in the fields beneath the MIB Name field.
Trap details supply the following information:
The name of the MIB to which the trap belongs
Information about the trap
Any variable bindings (varbinds) that the trap uses. Information about the varbind, its
name, OID, and type, is displayed
Recommended action specified by the user
5. Enter the following information:
a. Select the severity level you want to assign to the trap from the Severity list. If you do not
select a severity, it defaults to Emergency.
b. Enter the message you want to display for this trap in the Message field. If the trap has
varbinds, use $#, where # represents the varbind number, to indicate the varbind. You
must enter a message.
c. Enter an alias string that serves as a second name for the trap in the MIB Alias field. This
string might be more understandable to users. This parameter is optional. The Event
Processor uses this alias, and this alias is displayed in the Event Action.
d. Configure the recommended action for the trap.
6. When you have finished, click OK to accept your entries.
The status of the trap changes to Registered - Customized and the trap appears in the Event
Unregistering a registered trap
You can unregister only the traps that you have registered. You cannot unregister traps that come
with the Management application by default.
To unregister a trap that you have registered, complete the following steps.
1. Select Monitor > SNMP Setup > Event Reception.
2. Click the Trap Configuration tab.
3. Click the Registered button.
The Trap tree displays the MIBs that contain the registered traps.
4. Expand a MIB folder to display the traps that have been registered for that MIB.
5. Select a trap to display its current definition.
6. Click the Not Registered button.
7. Click OK.
Once unregistered, the status of the trap changes to Not Registered.