Inheriting alert parameters from a switch – Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual v12.1.0 User Manual
Page 1539

Brocade Network Advisor SAN + IP User Manual
Bottleneck detection
7. Select one or more fabrics, switches, or ports from the Products/Ports list.
You can select fabrics or switches or ports, but you cannot select a mix of fabrics, switches,
and ports.
8. Click the right arrow to apply the settings in the Bottleneck Detection pane to the selected
elements in the Products/Ports list.
If you selected one or more ports, a right arrow displays in the Direct Assigned column for
these ports, indicating that the alert parameters for the ports override the alert parameters for
the switch.
If you selected switches or fabrics, the alert parameters are changed for all of the eligible ports
in those switches and fabrics except for the ports that had been directly assigned alert
parameters previously.
9. Select the following options at the bottom of the dialog box as necessary:
Show Bottleneck Graph. This displays the Bottleneck Graph Port Selector dialog box for
configuring a bottleneck graph. Refer to
“Displaying bottleneck statistics”
Show Affected Devices. Lists the hosts and targets that might be affected by the selected
bottlenecked port.
Inherit From Switch. Restores the switch bottleneck parameters to a port that has direct
assigned settings. Refer to
“Inheriting alert parameters from a switch”
Add Flow. Displays the Add Flow Definition dialog box to define flows for flow monitoring.
Applicable fields on the dialog box, such as source device and destination device IDs, will
be populated according to the port selected. Refer to
“Flow provisioning and monitoring”
on page 1582 for more information on using the Add Flow Definition dialog box and Flow
Vision features. The Add flow button is enabled when you select a single bottleneck or non
bottleneck port.
10. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.
Inheriting alert parameters from a switch
When you enable bottleneck detection on a switch, all eligible ports on that switch inherit the same
bottleneck parameters as the switch. You can then change the parameters for specific ports or
exclude specific ports from bottleneck detection.
Use the following procedure if you want to restore the switch bottleneck parameters to a port that
has direct assigned settings.
1. Select Monitor > Performance > Bottlenecks.
The Bottlenecks dialog box displays.
2. Select a port that has directly assigned bottleneck settings, which is indicated by a right arrow
in the Direct Assigned column.
3. Click Inherit From Switch.
4. Select the Alerts check box to enable alerts. Clear this check box to disable alerts.
The bottleneck parameters that are specified for the switch are applied to the port.
5. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.