Query number of peaks found (remote command only), Peak search all traces – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference

Peak Search

Remote Command



TRAC:MATH:PEAK? Will identify the peaks of trace 1 that are above the Peak Threshold (if
Threshold is ON) and have an excursion above the Peak Excursion (if Excursion is ON).

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Query Number of Peaks Found (Remote Command Only)

Provided for backwards compatibility with ESA and PSA. It is recommended that you use

Outputs the number of signal peaks identified. The amplitude of the peaks can then

be queried with :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:DATA? This command uses only Trace 1


Remote Command



TRAC:MATH:PEAK:POINts? Will identify the number of peaks of trace 1 that are above the Peak
Threshold (if Threshold is ON) and have an excursion above the Peak Excursion (if Excursion is

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Peak Search All Traces

In the Spectrogram View, when the Peak Search All Traces key is pressed, a Peak Search is
executed that finds the highest point on ALL of the drawn traces in the Spectrogram window. 
The marker moves there and the Display Trace changes to the trace on which the peak was found.

This function obeys the Peak Criteria in the same way as the normal Peak Search function does.

Remote Command




SYST:ERR? can be used to query the errors to determine if a peak is found. The message “No
peak found”  will be returned after an unsuccessful search.


Sending this command selects the subopcoded marker.


Only appears in the Spectrogram View.  If sent outside of Spectrogram, generates an error

Initial S/W Revision


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference