Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1390
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Refer to the figure above for a discussion of this end-point smoothing phenomena. With 31
smoothing points and a 401 point trace, point 16 will be the first point to have full 31-bucket
smoothing. Likewise, point 386 will be the last point with full 31-bucket smoothing. Under the
conditions stated, points 2 through 15 will be smoothed as follows: Point 2 is derived from
averaging buckets 1 through 3. Point 3 is derived from averaging buckets 1 through 5, Point 4 is
derived from averaging buckets 1 through 7, and so forth until point 16 is reached. The quantity
of buckets used for the smoothing running average increases at the rate of 2 buckets per point,
from point 1 to point ([smoothing number+1]/2), at which time the full number of smoothing
points is utilized. The same characteristic occurs at the completion of the trace, beginning at
point 386, beyond which the number of averaging buckets begins to decrease until point 401 is
By replacing the value of each point in a trace with the average of the values of a number of
points centered about that point, any rapid variations in noise or signals are smoothed into more
gradual variations. It thereby performs a function similar to reducing the video bandwidth
without the corresponding changes in sweep time; as such, frequency resolution is decreased.
Also, signal peaks are reduced with large smoothing values. This can cause the amplitude to
appear to be less than its actual value.
Number of Points for Smoothing (Remote Command Only)
Included for ESA compatibility. Not recommended for new designs. (Will not be supported in future
designs.) Use the CALCulate:DATA:COMPress command instead.
Specifies the number of points that will be smoothed. Increasing the number of points increases
smoothing at the cost of decreasing resolution. If the number of points is an even number, then
the number of points is increased by one. If the number of points is larger than the number of
sweep points, then the number of sweep points is used, unless the number of sweep points is
even, in which case the number of points will be the sweep points minus one. The number of
points smoothed is always an odd number.
Remote Command
Only odd values allowed; if
which case subtract 1
Used with the TRACe:MATH:SMOoth command.
Number of sweep points
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference