Periodic timer (frame trigger) – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Backwards Compatibility

The legacy :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay command affects the delay for the VID, LINE, EXT1,
EXT2, and RFB triggers.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Periodic Timer (Frame Trigger)

Pressing this key, when it is not selected, selects the internal periodic timer signal as the trigger.
Triggering occurrences are set by the Period parameter, which is modified by the Sync Source
and Offset. Pressing this key, when it is already selected, accesses the periodic timer trigger
setup functions.

If you do not have a sync source selected (it is Off), then the internal timer will not be
synchronized with any external timing events.

Key Path



TRIG:SOUR FRAM                 Swept SA measurement

TRIG::SOUR FRAM   Measurements other than Swept SA

State Saved

Saved in instrument state


[Sync: ], for example, [Sync: External 1]

Status Bits/OPC

The Status Operation Register bit 5 "Waiting for Trigger" is set at the same time as the Sweeping
or Measuring bit is set. It is cleared when the trigger actually occurs (that is, after the trigger
event occurs and all the applicable trigger criteria have been met). A corresponding pop-up
message ("Waiting for trigger") is generated if no trigger signal appears after approximately 2
sec. This message goes away when a trigger signal appears.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Periodic Timer Triggering:

This feature selects the internal periodic timer signal as the trigger. Trigger occurrences are set by
the Periodic Timer parameter, which is modified by the Sync Source and Offset.

The figure below shows the action of the periodic timer trigger. Before reviewing the figure, we’ll
explain some uses for the periodic trigger.

A common application is measuring periodic burst RF signals for which a trigger signal is not
easily available. For example, we might be measuring a TDMA radio which bursts every 20 ms.
Let’s assume that the 20 ms period is very consistent. Let’s also assume that we do not have an
external trigger source available that is synchronized with the period, and that the signal-to-noise
ratio of the signal is not high enough to provide a clean RF burst trigger at all of the analysis

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference