Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 697
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
auto setting for time domain traces. In a delta-marker mode it is the (sweep) time interval between
the two markers.
Key Path
Marker, Properties, X Axis Scale
CALC:MARK2:X:READ TIME sets the marker 2 X Axis Scale to Time..
1-of-N readback is Time
Frequency domain traces taken in FFT mode have no valid time data. Therefore when Time is
selected for markers on such traces, the X Axis value is taken as the appropriate percentage of
the displayed sweep time, which is a calculated estimate.
State Saved
The X Axis Scale setting is saved in instrument state
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Inverse Time
Sets the marker X Axis scale to Inverse Time, displaying the reciprocal time. It is useful in a delta
mode to show the reciprocal of (sweep) time between two markers. This function is only
meaningful when on a time domain trace and in the Delta control mode. If the markers are at the
same X Axis value, the time between them is 0, so the reciprocal of sweep time is infinitely large.
The display will show “---” and a SCPI query will return infinity.
Key Path
Marker, Properties, X Axis Scale
:CALC:MARK2:X:READ ITIM sets the marker 2 X Axis scale to Inverse Time.
1-of-N readback is Inverse Time
Frequency domain traces taken in FFT mode have no valid time data. Therefore when Inverse
Time is selected for markers on such traces, the X Axis value is undefined, shows as “---” and
returns not a number to a query.
State Saved
The X Axis Scale setting is saved in instrument state
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Marker Trace
Selects the trace that you want your marker to be placed on. A marker is associated with one and
only one trace. This trace is used to determine the placement, result, and X Axis Scale of the
marker. All markers have an associated trace, even Fixed markers; it is from that trace that they
determine their attributes and behaviors, and it is to that trace that they go when they become
Normal or Delta markers.
"Auto Init Rules Flowchart" on page 698
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference