Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 1046
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Sweep Time
Start Frequency
Stop Frequency
Average Count (actual; not the limit for the instrument)
Average Type
RBW Filter Type
RBW Filter BW Type
Sweep Type (FFT vs. Swept)
Log/Lin X Scale (sometimes called Log Sweep)
Preamp (on/off, band)
Trigger (source, level, slope, delay)
Phase Noise optimization setting
Swept IF Gain
AC/DC setting (RF Coupling)
FFT Width
External Reference setting
Input (which input is in use)
RF calibrator on/off
Because any inactive trace can have a value that does not match the rest of the measurement,
when performing a Save the metadata for each trace is pulled from the individual trace, not from
the measurement.
A revision number is also included in the trace database, to allow for future changes.
The choices for the various 1 of N and binary fields are as follows:
Average Type: Power(RMS), Voltage, LogPower(Video)
RBW Filter Type: Flattop, EMI, Gaussian
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference