Marker table – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 721

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


If Auto Init is set to On for a marker and that marker is on, that marker’s Marker Trace is
immediately set according to the above flowchart.

Sending the remote command causes the addressed marker to become selected.



Backwards Compatibility

The Marker Trace Auto function in legacy analyzers has been replaced by Marker Trace Auto
Init, but the same SCPI command is used for the new function. This should work fine for most
legacy users.  See the sections on

"Auto Init On" on page 719


"Auto Init OFF" on page 720



"Auto Init Rules Flowchart" on page 719

for details.

The new auto functionality causes markers to automatically go to the appropriate trace when the
marker is first turned on.  Users who counted on markers changing traces when a trace was put
in or out of View will have to modify their code.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00


When on, displays a vertical line of graticule height and a horizontal line of graticule width,
intersecting at the indicator point of the marker (that is, the center of the X or the bottom tip of
the diamond. The lines are blue in color.

If the marker is off screen the lines should be extended from the marker so that they go thru the
screen area if possible. This is really useful for off screen Fixed markers as it lets you see their
amplitude even though they are off the X Axis.

Key Path

Marker, Properties

Remote Command

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|...12:LINes[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1



:CALC:MARK2:LIN:ON turns Lines on for marker 2.


Sending the remote command causes the addressed marker to become selected.



State Saved

Saved in instrument state

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Marker Table

When set to On, the display is split into a measurement window and a marker data display
window. For each marker which is on, information is displayed in the data display window,
which includes the marker number, control mode, trace number, X axis scale, X axis value, and

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference