Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 908

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Peak Search

Key Path

Peak Search

Remote Command

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|...12:CPSearch[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0



CALC:MARK:CPS ON Turns on Continuous Peak Search.


Sending this command selects the subopcoded marker


The Continuous Peak Search key is grayed out when the selected marker is a Fixed marker. Also,
if Continuous Peak Search is on and the selected marker becomes a fixed marker, then
Continuous Peak Search is turned off and the key grayed out.

Signal Track and Continuous Peak Search are mutually exclusive so if Signal Track is on,
Continuous Peak Search will be grayed out and vice versa.


Mode Preset

State Saved

Saved in instrument state.

Status Bits/OPC

The Measuring bit should remain set while this command is operating and should not go false
until the marker position has been updated.

Backwards Compatibility

In ESA and PSA, the Continuous Pk function would only consider a peak within a small window
relative to the marker’s previous position, and thus was designed to track a signal drifting in
frequency but with similar amplitude. The new Continuous Peak Search function simply
performs a Peak Search operation after each sweep with no regard for the marker’s previous
position. Because of this difference, the SCPI commands for the old command (CPEak) is not
accepted by the X-Series.

Also in ESA and PSA, Continuous Pk was grayed out when span equaled zero. The new
Continuous Peak Search function will be available within zero span.

Also in ESA and PSA, turning Continuous Pk on would not automatically execute a peak search.
A peak search would not be performed until the end of the next sweep. The new Continuous
Peak Search function will perform a peak search when it is turned on, without waiting for the
next sweep to complete.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

More Information

When Continuous Peak Search is turned on a peak search is immediately performed and then is
repeated after each sweep. If Continuous Peak Search is turned on with the selected marker off,
the selected marker is set to Normal at the center of the screen, and then a peak search is
immediately performed and subsequently repeated after each sweep.

When in Continuous Peak Search, *OPC will not return true, nor will READ or MEASure return
any data, until the sweep is complete and the marker has been re-peaked. Note further that if the
analyzer is in a measurement such as averaging, and Continuous Peak Search is on, the entire


Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference