Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Page 899
6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
Peak Search
“Peak Search” Criteria
This menu lets you decide what kind of search you want to do when the Peak Search key is
pressed (or the equivalent SCPI command sent).
Note that there are two “types” of peak search functions. One type is the “Peak Search” type, the
other type is the “Next Peak” type. “Next Peak” searches (for example, Next Peak, Next Pk Left,
Next Pk Right) are always checked using the Excursion and Threshold criteria as long as these
criteria are On.The “Peak Search” type of search, simply finds the highest point on the trace.
However you can change the “Peak Search” type of search so that it also uses the Excursion and
Threshold criteria. This allows you to find the Maximum point on the trace that also obeys the
Excursion and/or Threshold criteria.
When Highest Peak is selected, pressing Peak Search simply finds the highest peak on the marker’s
trace. If Same as “Next Peak” Criteria is selected, then the search is also forced to consider the
Excursion and Threshold found under the “Next Peak” Criteria menu.
Key Path
Peak Search, Peak Criteria
Remote Command
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:SEARch:MODE MAXimum|PARameter
MAXimum corresponds to the Highest Peak setting
PARameter corresponds to the Same as “Next Peak” Criteria setting
State Saved
Saved in instrument state.
Readback line
Current state
Backwards Compatibility
The submenu called “Peak Search” Criteria in the X-Series was called Peak Seach Type in the
ESA, and in the PSA was not a submenu but a single called Peak Search with a toggle between
Param and Max.
Nonetheless, the functionality and SCPI commands are identical in all three,only the structure of
the user interface is different
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
Highest Peak
When this key is selected, pressing the Peak Search key or issuing the equivalent SCPI command
finds the maximum point on the trace, subject to the peak-search qualifications. This also affects
the Peak Search half of Pk-Pk search and the Continuous Peak Search.
Key Path
Peak Search, Peak Criteria, “Peak Search” Criteria
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference