More information – Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
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6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
IINPut - triggers on the I channel's ADC voltage
QINPut - triggers on the Q channel's ADC voltage
AIQMag - triggers on the magnitude of the auxiliary receiver channel I/Q signal
*OPC should be used after requesting data. This will hold off any subsequent changes to the
selected trigger source, until after the sweep is completed and the data is returned.
Available ranges, and from mode to mode presets can vary
Status Bits/OPC
The Status Operation Register bit 5 "Waiting for Trigger" is set at the same time as the Sweeping
or Measuring bit is set. It is cleared when the trigger actually occurs (that is, after the trigger
event occurs and all the applicable trigger criteria have been met). A corresponding pop-up
message ("Waiting for trigger") is generated if no trigger signal appears after approximately 2
sec. This message goes away when a trigger signal appears.
Initial S/W Revision
Prior to A.02.00
More Information
The trigger menus let you select the trigger source and trigger settings for a sweep or
measurement. In triggered operation (basically, any trigger source other than Free Run), the
analyzer will begin a sweep or measurement only with the selected trigger conditions are met,
generally when your trigger source signal meets the specified trigger level and polarity
requirements. (In FFT measurements, the trigger controls when the data acquisition begins for
FFT conversion.)
For each of the trigger sources, you may define a set of operational parameters or settings which
will be applied when that source is selected as the current trigger source. Examples of these
settings are Trigger Level, Trigger Delay, and Trigger Slope. You may apply different settings for
each source; so, for example, you could have a Trigger Level of 1v for External 1 trigger and –10
dBm for Video trigger.
Once you have established the settings for a given trigger source, they generally will remain
unchanged for that trigger source as you go from measurement to measurement within a Mode
(although the settings do change as you go from Mode to Mode). Furthermore, the trigger settings
within a Mode are the same for the Trigger menu, the Gate Source menu, and the Sync Source
menu that is part of the Periodic Timer Trigger Setup menu. That is, if Ext1 trigger level is set
to 1v in the Trigger menu, it will appear as 1v in both the Gate Source and the Sync Source
menus. For these reasons the trigger settings commands are not qualified with the measurement
name, the way the trigger source commands are.
The settings setup menu can be accessed by pressing the key for the current trigger source a
second time. For example, one press of Video selects the Video trigger as the source. The Video
key becomes highlighted and the hollow arrow on the key turns black. Now a second press of the
key takes you into the Video Trigger Setup menu.
Trigger Setup Parameters:
Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference