Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 681

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Fixed Marker X Axis Value

Key Path

Marker, Fixed


:CALC:MARK:MODE FIX sets Marker 1 to Fixed.


See the description under the “ Marker” key, above.


You cannot directly set the X or Y value of a Fixed marker which has a marker function turned
on. If an attempt is made to actually adjust it while a Marker Function is on, a warning
message is generated.

You cannot directly set the Y value of a Fixed marker while Normalize is turned on. If an
attempt is made to do so while Normalize is on, a warning message is generated.

State Saved

The marker control mode (Normal, Delta, Fixed, Off) and X and Y Axis values are saved in
instrument state

Backwards Compatibility

In legacy analyzers, only a Reference marker could be Fixed, and it was always Fixed. 
Additionally it could not be noved.  In the X-Series, any marker can be set to Fixed and can be
moved to any X or Y value.

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Fixed Marker Y Axis Value

Key Path

Marker, Fixed


:CALC:MARK:MODE FIX sets Marker 1 to Fixed.


See the description under the Marker key.


You cannot directly set the X or Y value of a Fixed marker which has a marker function turned
on. If an attempt is made to actually adjust it while a Marker Function is on, a warning message
is generated.

State Saved

The marker control mode (Normal, Delta, Fixed, Off) and X and Y Axis values are saved in
instrument state

Default Unit

depends on the current selected Y axis unit

Initial S/W Revision

Prior to A.02.00

Fixed Marker Z Axis Value

The Marker Z position determines which of the 301 traces (0–300) the selected marker is on. It
cannot be set above the maximum trace in the Spectrogram window and, unlike the Marker X

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference