Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual
Agilent x-series signal analyzer
Table of contents
Document Outline
- N9061A Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application User's & Program...
- Table Of Contents
- 1 About the Analyzer
- 2 About the N9061A Measurement Application
- 3 Programming the Analyzer
- 4 List of Legacy Analyzer Commands
- 5 Legacy Command Descriptions
- Command Syntax
- Command Descriptions
- A1 [one] (Clear Write for Trace A)
- A2 [two] (Maximum Hold for Trace A)
- A3 [three] (View Mode for Trace A)
- A4 [four] (Blank Trace A)
- ACPALPHA (Adjacent Channel Power Alpha Weighting)
- ACPALTCH (Adjacent Channel Power Alternate Channels)
- ACPBRPER (Adjacent Channel Power Burst Period)
- ACPBRWID (Adjacent Channel Power Burst Width)
- ACPBW (Adjacent Channel Power Bandwidth)
- ACPCOMPUTE (Adjacent Channel Power Compute)
- ACPFRQWT (Adjacent Channel Power Frequency Weighting)
- ACPLOWER (Lower Adjacent Channel Power)
- ACPMAX (Maximum Adjacent Channel Power)
- ACPMEAS (Measure Adjacent Channel Power)
- ACPMSTATE (Adjacent Channel Power Measurement State)
- ACPPWRTX (Adjacent Channel Power Total Power Transmitted)
- ACPRSLTS (Adjacent Channel Power Measurement Results)
- Query Data Type Details
- ACPSP (Adjacent Channel Power Channel Spacing)
- ACPT (Adjacent Channel Power T Weighting)
- ACPUPPER (Upper Adjacent Channel Power)
- ADJALL (LO and IF Adjustments)
- AMB (A minus B into A)
- AMBPL (A minus B plus Display Line into A)
- ANNOT (Annotation)
- APB (Trace A Plus Trace B to A)
- AT (Input Attenuation)
- AUNITS (Absolute Amplitude Units)
- AUTOCPL (Auto Coupled)
- AXB (Exchange Trace A and Trace B)
- B1 [one] (Clear Write for Trace B)
- B2 [two] (Maximum Hold for Trace B)
- B3 [three] (View Mode for Trace B)
- B4 [four] (Blank Trace B)
- BL (Trace B minus Display Line to Trace B)
- BLANK (Blank Trace)
- BML (Trace B Minus Display Line)
- BTC (Transfer Trace B to Trace C)
- BXC (Exchange Trace B and Trace C)
- C1 [one] (Set A Minus B Mode Off)
- C2 [two] (A Minus B Into A)
- CA (Couple Attenuation)
- CARROFF (Carrier Off Power)
- CARRON (Carrier On Power)
- CF (Center Frequency)
- CHANNEL (Channel Selection)
- CHANPWR (Channel Power)
- CHPWRBW (Channel Power Bandwidth)
- CLRAVG (Clear Average)
- CLRW (Clear Write)
- CONTS (Continuous Sweep)
- COUPLE (Input Coupling)
- CR (Couple Resolution Bandwidth)
- CS (Couple Frequency Step Size)
- CT (Couple Sweep Time)
- CV (Couple Video Bandwidth)
- DA (Display Address)
- DELMKBW (Occupied Power Bandwidth Within Delta Marker)
- DET (Detection Mode)
- DL (Display Line)
- DLE (Display Line Enable)
- DLYSWP (Delay Sweep)
- DONE (Done)
- DR (Display Read)
- E1[one] (Peak Marker)
- E2 [two] (Marker to Center Frequency)
- E3 [three] (Delta Marker Step Size)
- E4 [four] (Marker to Reference Level)
- EDITDONE (Edit Done)
- EDITLIML (Edit Limit Line)
- ERR (Error)
- ET (Elapsed Time)
- EX (Exchange Trace A and Trace B)
- FA (Start Frequency)
- FB (Stop Frequency)
- FDSP (Frequency Display Off)
- FOFFSET (Frequency Offset)
- FPKA (Fast Preselector Peak)
- FREF (Frequency Reference)
- FS (Full Span)
- GATE (Gate)
- GATECTL (Gate Control)
- GD (Gate Delay)
- GL (Gate Length)
- GP (Gate Polarity)
- GRAT (Graticule)
- HD (Hold Data Entry)
- I1 [one] (Set RF Coupling to DC)
- I2 [two] (Set RF Coupling to AC)
- ID (Identify)
- IP (Instrument Preset)
- KS= (8566A/B: Automatic Preselector Tracking, 8568A/B: Marker Counter Resolut...
- KS( (Lock Registers)
- KS, (Mixer Level)
- KS) (Unlock Registers)
- KSA (Amplitude in dBm)
- KSa (Normal Detection)
- KSB (Amplitude in dBmV)
- KSb (Positive Peak Detection)
- KSC (Amplitude in dBμV)
- KSc (A Plus B to A)
- KSD (Amplitude in Volts)
- KSd (Negative Peak Detection)
- KSE (Title Mode)
- KSe (Sample Detection)
- KSG (Video Averaging On)
- KSg (Display Off)
- KSH (Video Averaging Off)
- KSh (Display On)
- KSi (Exchange Trace B and Trace C)
- KSj (View Trace C)
- KSK (Marker to Next Peak)
- KSk (Blank Trace C)
- KSL (Marker Noise Off)
- KSl (Transfer Trace B to Trace C)
- KSM (Marker Noise On)
- KSm (Graticule Off)
- KSN (Marker Minimum)
- KSn (Graticule On)
- KSO (Marker Span)
- KSo (Annotation Off)
- KSp (Annotation On)
- KST (Fast Preset)
- KSV (Frequency Offset)
- KSx (External Trigger)
- KSy (Video Trigger)
- KSZ (Reference Level Offset)
- L0 [zero] (Display Line Off)
- LF (Low Frequency Preset)
- LG (Logarithmic Scale)
- LIMF (Limit Line Frequency Value)
- LIMIFAIL (Limits Failed)
- Query Data Type Codes
- LIMIPURGE (Delete Current Limit Line)
- LIMIREL (Relative Limit Lines)
- LIML (Lower-Limit Amplitude)
- LIMTSL (Slope Limit Line)
- LIMU (Upper-Limit Amplitude)
- LN (Linear Scale)
- M1 [one] (Marker Off)
- M2 [two] (Marker Normal)
- M3 [three] (Delta Marker)
- M4 [four] (Marker Zoom)
- MA (Marker Amplitude Output)
- MC0 [zero] (Marker Frequency Counter Off)
- MC1 [one] (Marker Frequency Counter On)
- MDS (Measurement Data Size)
- MEAN (Trace Mean)
- MEANPWR (Mean Power measurement)
- MEAS (Meas)
- MF (Marker Frequency Output)
- MINH (Minimum Hold)
- MINPOS (Minimum X Position)
- MKA (Marker Amplitude)
- MKACT (Activate Marker)
- MKBW (Marker Bandwidth)
- MKCF (Marker to Center Frequency)
- MKD (Marker Delta)
- MKF (Marker Frequency)
- MKFC (Marker Counter)
- MKFCR (Marker Counter Resolution)
- MKMIN (Marker Minimum)
- MKN (Marker Normal)
- MKNOISE (Marker Noise)
- MKOFF (Marker Off)
- MKP (Marker Position)
- MKPK (Marker Peak)
- MKPT (Marker Threshold)
- MKPX (Marker Peak Excursion)
- MKREAD (Marker Readout)
- MKRL (Marker to Reference Level)
- MKSP (Marker Span)
- MKSS (Marker to Step Size)
- MKT (Marker Time)
- MKTRACE (Marker Trace)
- MKTRACK (Marker Track)
- MKTYPE (Marker Type)
- ML (Mixer Level)
- MT0 [zero] (Marker Track Off)
- MT1 [one] (Marker Track On)
- MXMH (Maximum Hold)
- NORMLIZE (Normalize Trace Data)
- NRL (Normalized Reference Level)
- NRPOS (Normalized Reference Position)
- O1 [one] (Format - Display Units)
- O2 [two] (Format - Two 8-Bit Bytes)
- O3 [three] (Format - Real Amplitude Units)
- O4 [four] (Format - One 8-Bit Byte)
- OA or ? (Query Active Function)
- OCCUP (Percent Occupied Power Bandwidth)
- OL (Output Learn String)
- OT (Output Trace Annotations)
- PEAKS (Peaks)
- PKPOS (Peak Position)
- PLOT (Plot)
- PP (Preselector Peak)
- PRINT (Print)
- PWRBW (Power Bandwidth)
- R1 [one] (Illegal Command SRQ)
- R2 [two] (End-of-Sweep SRQ)
- R3 [three] (Hardware Broken SRQ)
- R4 [four] (Units-Key-Pressed SRQ)
- RB (Resolution Bandwidth)
- RBR (Resolution Bandwidth to Span Ratio)
- RC (Recall State)
- RCLS (Recall State)
- REV (Revision)
- RL (Reference Level)
- RMS (Root Mean Square Value)
- ROFFSET (Reference Level Offset)
- RQS (Request Service Conditions)
- S1[one] (Continuous Sweep)
- S2 [two] (Single Sweep)
- SAVES (Save State)
- SER (Serial Number)
- SETDATE (Set Date)
- SETTIME (Set Time)
- SMOOTH (Smooth Trace)
- SNGLS (Single Sweep)
- SP (Frequency Span)
- SRQ (Service Request)
- SS (Center Frequency Step Size)
- ST (Sweep Time)
- STB (Status Byte Query)
- STDEV (Standard Deviation of Trace Amplitudes)
- SUM (Sum)
- SV (Save State)
- SWPCPL (Sweep Couple)
- T1 [one] (Free Run Trigger)
- T2 [two] (Line Trigger)
- T3 [three] (External Trigger)
- T4 [four] (Video Trigger)
- TA (Trace A)
- TB (Trace B)
- TDF (Trace Data Format)
- TH (Threshold)
- THE (Threshold Enable)
- TIMEDATE (Time Date)
- TITLE (Title)
- TM (Trigger Mode)
- TRA (Trace Data Input and Output)
- TRB (Trace Data Input and Output)
- TRC (Trace Data Input and Output)
- TRDSP (Trace Display)
- TRIGPOL (Trigger Polarity)
- TRSTAT (Trace State)
- TS (Take Sweep)
- VAVG (Video Average)
- VB (Video Bandwidth)
- VBO (Video Bandwidth Coupling Offset)
- VBR (Video Bandwidth to Resolution Bandwidth Ratio)
- VIEW (View Trace)
- VTL (Video Trigger Level)
- XCH (Exchange)
- 6 RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference
- AMPTD Y Scale
- Auto Couple
- BW
- Cont (Continuous Measurement/Sweep)
- File
- FREQ Channel
- Input/Output
- Marker
- Marker Control Mode
- Setting/Querying the Marker X Axis Value
- Setting the Marker X Position in Trace Points
- Setting/Querying the Marker Y Axis Value
- Querying the Marker Z Axis Value
- Setting or Querying the Marker Z Position
- Marker Backwards Compatibility
- Select Marker
- Normal
- Delta
- Fixed
- Off
- Properties
- Marker Table
- Marker Count
- Couple Markers
- All Markers Off
- Marker Function
- More Information
- Fixed marker functions
- Interval Markers
- Band Function Backwards Compatibility
- 1. Marker Mode compatibility
- 2. Span Pair Compatibility
- 3. Delta Pair/Band Pair functionality
- 4. Arbitrary Marker Pair functionality
- 5. Band changes with analyzer settings
- 6. Offscreen Markers
- 7. Direct Marker Positioning
- Select Marker
- Marker Noise
- Band/Interval Power
- Band/Interval Density
- Marker Function Off
- Band Adjust
- Measure at Marker
- Marker To
- Meas
- Meas Setup
- Mode
- More Information
- Spectrum Analyzer
- EMI Receiver
- IQ Analyzer (Basic)
- W-CDMA with HSPA+
- 802.16 OFDMA (WiMAX/WiBro)
- Vector Signal Analyzer (VXA)
- Phase Noise
- Noise Figure
- Analog Demod
- cdma2000
- 1xEV-DO
- DVB-T/H with T2
- Combined WLAN
- Combined Fixed WiMAX
- 802.16 OFDM (Fixed WiMAX)
- Remote Language Compatibility
- 89601 VSA
- Bluetooth
- SCPI Language Compatibility
- Digital Cable TV
- Application Mode Number Selection (Remote Command Only)
- Mode Preset
- Mode Setup
- Peak Search
- Quick Save
- Recall
- Restart
- Save
- State
- Trace (+State)
- Data (Export)
- Screen Image
- Mass Storage Catalog (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Change Directory (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Copy (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Delete (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Data (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Make Directory (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Move (Remote Command Only)
- Mass Storage Remove Directory (Remote Command Only)
- Single (Single Measurement/Sweep)
- Source
- SPAN X Scale
- Sweep/Control
- System
- Trace/Detector
- Trace Mode Backwards Compatibility
- Trace Update Indicator
- Trace Annunciator Panel
- Trace Annotation
- Select Trace
- Clear Write
- Trace Average
- Max Hold
- Min Hold
- View/Blank
- Detector
- Preset Detectors
- Clear Trace
- Clear All Traces
- Preset All Traces
- Math
- Copy/Exchange
- Normalize
- Send/Query Trace Data (Remote Command Only)
- Smooth Trace Data (Remote Command Only)
- Number of Points for Smoothing (Remote Command Only)
- Mean Trace Data (Remote Command Only)
- Display Trace Time Query (Remote Command Only)
- Trigger
- User Preset
- View/Display