Agilent Technologies Signal Analyzer N9030a User Manual

Page 1039

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6  RLC Swept SA Measurement Front-Panel & SCPI Reference


Amplitude Correction

Pressing this key selects Amplitude Corrections as the data type to be exported. Pressing this
key again brings up the Select Menu, which allows the user to select which Amplitude Correction
to save.

Amplitude Corrections are fully discussed in the documentation of the Input/Output key, under
the Corrections softkey.


"Correction Data File " on page 1039

Key Path


Remote Command

:MMEMory:STORe:CORRection 1|2|3|4|5|6,


:MMEM:STOR:CORR 2 "myAmpcor.csv" saves Correction 2 to the file myAmpcor.csv on the
current path.

The default path is My Documents\amplitudeCorrections.


If the save is initiated via SCPI, and the file already exists, the file will be overwritten.

Using the C: drive is strongly discouraged, since it runs the risk of being overwritten during an
instrument software upgrade.

Both single and double quotes are supported for any filename parameter over SCPI.


Corrections are not supported by all Measurements.   If in a Mode in which some Measurements
support it, this key will be grayed out in measurements that do not.  The key will not show at all
if no measurements in the Mode support it.

This key will not appear unless you have the proper option installed in your instrument.


Selected Correction

Compatibility SCPI

:MMEMory:STORe:CORRection ANTenna | CABLe | OTHer | USER,

For backwards compatibility, ANTenna maps to 1, CABle maps to 2, OTHer maps to 3 and USER
maps to 4

Initial S/W Revision


Correction Data File

A Corrections Data File contains a copy of one of the analyzer correction tables. Corrections
provide a way to adjust the trace display for predetermined gain curves (such as for cable loss).

Corrections files are text files in .csv (comma separated values) form, to make them importable
into Excel or other spreadsheet programs.   The format for Corrections files is as follows. 


Type of field




File type, must be

Amplitude Correction

May not be omitted

Remote Language Compatibility Measurement Application Reference